Friday, 27 May 2016

Finding Magic in Life’s Unremarkable Moments...

Finding Magic in Life’s Unremarkable Moments

"The unremarkable becomes the screen against which the remarkable shines its luminous beam."
Mary Oliver

And in my little green patch right now, the very unassuming act of having scattered a few mustard seeds in the gaps between the flagstones, has taken on a supremely extraordinary, a magical quality... I didn't sow the seeds in anticipation of something big, but now, it is nothing short of a beautiful little miracle that is now unfolding around me...

Thursday, 19 May 2016

The magic of rain...

Picture 1: The bhendikayi/okra seeds that I sowed this morning

Picture 2: The mixed greens seeds that I sowed yesterday morning

Picture 3: The saasvi/mustard seeds that I sowed this morning between the flagstones that line the path in my patch

Picture 4: And after last night's beautiful rain, the menthe beeja/fenugreek seeds ha ve germinated in a mere 24 hours !! And the other greens will follow suite in no time... And I am sure, the bhendikayi and other seeds I have sown this morning too will pop up very soon...

That folk's, is the magic of rain...

Monday, 16 May 2016

My little green patch, my haven...

O, money can't buy the delights of the glen,
Nor Poetry sing all its charms.
There's a solace and calm ne'er described by the pen
When we're folded within Nature's arms!
James Rigg

My little green patch, my haven.

And this time, I'll let the pictures do all the talking...