Thursday 5 March 2015

A little update on my now Large Green Patch...

A little update on what's happening with my green journey at the new place...
Phew and double phew !! The mesh work is finally done ! I'm so glad we had to spend only on a portion of the mesh and the fabricators charges. Most of the metal was sourced from Mum's old school building. I'm obviously as excited as can be. For, that was one long wait... Right now I have just shifted all my plants into the meshed area and next weekend I'll begin on the beds. The new space has now provided me with quite a few options. Beds on the ground is of course the best one I could have got. There is the ledge on the compound wall and then there is the mesh itself, from which I can hang a lot of containers/pots. I can now do both ground and vertical gardening. But of course, it's going to be a slow and steady progress. Luckily for me, I've had hundred percent success with the seeds I had sown. I have transplanted a few sweet peas and most of the other seedlings should be ready for transplanting by next weekend.
Now about the interesting friends I've made/am making. Bhuva n, a Std VI kid, stays right in front of our house and he's the first friend I made. Or rather all of us made. He had come with Rohan (My utterly lovable nature trail mate) the landlord's grandson and fell in love with Disco. He began getting his friends one by one to meet Disco. He has also taken a keen interest in my plants and gardening and comes everyday to check on my plants and find out if I've done anything new in the garden. Bhuvan's inherent inquisitiveness has helped and now, he rattles off the names of all the vegetables and herbs growing in my patch. If there's a new friend he's brought along, it's a treat to watch him go about showcasing the plants and showing off his skills with their names...

He and his friend Chinmay , helped me sow many seeds last week and now they are waiting for the transplanting time. They want to come and help. And then, Rohan and Chinmay, their other friend too are waiting for exams to get over, so they can join in the gardening fun.

Well, it's not just these kids who are eagerly waiting to get their hands dirty... I have a couple of my past students from one of my schools Baala Balaga, who are rubbing their hands impatiently for their college exams to get over too and be here digging and sowing and planting and making seed bombs, helping with gardening workshops and brainstorming some interesting guerrilla gardening ideas for Dharwad.

 The entrance to the meshed portion, my new LGP

 Just made a start with my hanging pot that has Alternanthera/Hongone soppu growing...

 A jasmine (Zai in Marathi) trailed onto one portion of the mesh at the entrance.

 Bhuvan and Prasanna admiring the Hibiscus Acetosella...

 Checking out the Lemon Basil...

 Prasanna loved the fragrance...

 Fascinated by the capsicum plants.

 Amused by the little ones that I removed, to allow the yet young plants grow better.

 They had never seen garlic plants. And quite liked the theory of growing garlic, onions, marigolds and herbs between vegetables as pest repellants/trap crops...

 Counting the chillies...

By the way, this is my old chilli stump that got a new lease to life after shifting here. The new plants have just begun to flower.

 They were totally awed by the cabbage shoot on the old stump !

 And look at that shoot. The leaves are curling in... It seems to be thinking- "Shall I, or shall I not form into a cabbage..."

 Rosemary sure did attract them...

 Identifying the Moolangis that are forming...

 Coriander, just putting out their first set of teeny weeny true leaves...

 Taking a closer look at the recently transplanted sweet pea plants...

I'm happy to be finally growing peas after a long long time in my garden. Because of lack of space, I didn't grow them in my earlier LGP. The last time I grew them was in 1996 in my balcony garden while in B'luru.

 Ah ! Lettuce seeds again... 

 Chakotta/Bathua/Chenopodium album seeds forming.

 My marigolds are blooming again ! Three varieties... 

 Lemon basil, throwing up seeds.

 More Moolangis... 

 And which special variety of plant is this ??

 Ah, it's Disco, come a visiting...

Seems to have found something interesting...

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