Saturday 21 March 2015

Another beautiful step in my new green journey...

March 9
Another beautiful step in my new green journey...

Yesterday, early morning, I was back at "Suman Sangam" the organic forest farm of Dr. Sanjeev Kulkarni to pick up my three bags of compost. I had for company, my ever-faithful auto driver Girish, who's taken a keen interest in growing organic vegetables and a new friend Raghunandan. Raghu is a Medical student, who lives in our neighbourhood and apart from joining my hubby in restoring an uncle's single seater Tiger cub aircraft, is very interested in helping out with my LGP.

It was a undoubtedly a memorable little trip. Even though I've been here a number of time and even conducted camps and workshops here, each visit is filled with wonderment and the curiosity is as fresh as the first time I visited this amazing farm, seven years back. Before we reached the composting section of the farm, I took Girish and Raghu on a tour of the farm. We had fun feasting our eyes on the green bounty, watching in awe the myriad spring trees having turned copper, wonder-struck to see the litchi tree laden with tiny young litchis and the avocado trees bursting with fruit, admiring the variety of vegetables growing so lush, basking in the morning sunlight and gorging on juicy golden star fruits...
And then we finally landed up at the composting section. We were happy to be greeted by Kallappa the hard-working farm hand, who was proud to show off their rich and beautiful vermi compost. I was awed at the sight of this black treasure for the umpteenth time and Girish and Raghu couldn't have enough of feeling and admiring this gorgeous miracle... Three bags of priceless vermi compost at six rupees per kg, and we were reluctantly ready to leave...
Back home, at around three o clock, the two gardeners, Basavaraj and Siddhu turned up as promised. We dug up the long portion on one side of my LGP, removed all the large stones, broke down the hard lumps of soil and watered the stretch. We decided to let the beds settle for a day and then mix the compost. As we were setting aside the implements, it began to drizzle and within moments it was a downpour that did not take a respite till early this morning... The wind blew crazily and brought branches of neighbouring trees into out compound, leaves were flying all over and water began to collect all around within minutes... That reminded me of the time we lived on the farm and used to get marooned in the house with rain water all around.

It was somewhere around 1.30 am that I remembered, the seedling trays had been shifted towards the outer wall. I dashed out and quite naturally found most of the beet, carrot, cluster beans, ladies finger, cabbage, cauliflower, and turnip seedlings in a bad condition. I think it's only the yard long bean seedlings that survived the lashing rain. There's nothing I can do now but sow more seeds and be extra cautious. And about the beds, I can just wait for the sun to come out and dry out the beds a bit, before I begin on the next step... Thankfully, the moment we decided to mix the compost later, I moved the compost bags to the sheltered side of the house and they are safe.

No rain and we complain... Less rain and we complain... come rain and we complain... more rain and we complain... I'm sure that's why the rain Gods have decided to completely ignore our moods and have some fun with the rain as they teach us a good lesson... just hope we fatted humans do learn something and value what we're getting from nature...

Looking forward to continuing my green journey, one enthusiastic step at a time, whilst I gear up with some necessary arrangements to protect my LGP from such erratic rains and at the same time to enjoy the benefits of what the seasons gift me...

"Suman Sangam, Kaadu tootha"/Suman Sangam- Forest farm...

 Taking the auto to the composting site after our tour of the farm...

 Dr. Sanjeev Kulkarni, leading us to the composting site yesterday...

 One of the composting pits

 Dr. showing of the beautiful vermi compost

 Treasure !! 

 Kallappa filling up the bags...

 Showing off the star wormies from the other vermi composting beds !!!! 

 Almost done...

 Heading back...

 Landed in front of my new LGP ! 

 Basavaraj and Siddhu... 


This morning !!!

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