Wednesday 9 September 2015

Morning's with Mansoor Khan and a merry little harvest...

Count your blessings, however small and name them one by one...
For isn’t it only when we acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate the joy of gathering even miniscule portions of harvests, will be able to value and revel in the pleasure of larger ones... For whether it is a lone bhendikayi or a basket full of greens, it is the best our green patches are selflessly doing, in contrast to our little efforts...

Here's to our green patches, small, medium or big. Ground, balcony or terrace...! And here 's to our stunningly beautiful, purely organic and utterly healthy harvests, in whatever proportions they may be !!! It's eventually the immense joy and supreme sense of achievement of having grown our own vegetables and making our unique little pro gress in reducing our carbon footprint and making our earth happy...
Early mornings couldn't get more enchanting in my little green patch... with Mansoor Khan and a merry little harvest of a lone shiny purple badnikayi/brinjal, doddapatre/coleus aromaticus, sabbasgi/dill, and sprigs of aromatic lavang tulasi/clove basil. Along with a smattering of pretty flowers from my garden... Marigold that I've grown with two varieties of morning glory and the very pretty white Pavonia zaylenica, growing wild in my yard.

The Doddapatre will become a tambuli, the dill went as a garnish on today's upittu, the brinjal goes into the day's sambar, the clove basil leaves will go into a chutney and some will be reserved for my evening green tea and the clove basil stalks will get stuck into some pots for growing . So little, yet so much...

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